Designing the Circular City

Amsterdam Urban Innovation Week

The Beach and Sustainism Lab contribute to the Amsterdam Urban Innovation Week 2013 in Pakhuis de Zwijger.
How can we collectively design for a circular city, which at the same time uses the creativity of local citizens and social innovators?

In order to become more sustainable, cities must transfer their linear scheme – make, use, waste – into a more circular system of creating a self-regulating sustainable relationship with the biosphere. Like nature, there is no waste and every organism takes and gives to the ecosystem. The aim is the creation of closed-loop processes of energy, food and natural resources. To achieve this goal we need to re-think and re-design the way we consume, produce, travel, finance and govern.
However, sustainable cities encompass more than physical flows. A city is also a living web of people, shared connections, communities and citizen initiatives. How can we build on the social energy in the city to engage in more ‘sustainist’ ways of living, working, producing and consuming? Can we co-design for sharing, connecting and local qualities?
At Pakhuis de Zwijger we explore - in thinking and doing - what a collective perspective on a circular Amsterdam could bring us. How do we learn to engage locally in sustainist design? And what does it mean to re-activate our urban living environment?
In the morning three (international) keynote-speakers will give their views on how we can design for a circular city. After lunch we split up in three separate design-workshops.

Morning Programme (English): Grote Zaal
09:00 - 12:00 |
How can we collectively design for a circular city?

John Thackara (France)
Director of Doors of Perception and author of the book 'Plan B, Ontwerpen in een complexe wereld' (Plan B: Designing in a complex world).
Thackara is one of the world’s leading thinkers in the area of community-based sustainable design. He organizes larger scale events in which citizens, designers, and grassroots innovators explore two questions: “what might life in a sustainable world be like?” – and “what design steps are needed to get us from here, to there?”. Thackara was programme director of Designs of the time (Dott 07) in England, and in 2008 he was commissioner of City Eco Lab at the St Etienne Design Biennial in France.

Michiel Schwarz (the Netherlands)
Michiel Schwarz is a Dutch cultural thinker, innovator and strategic consultant and Artist in Residence at the Amsterdam School of Arts (AHK). He is founder of Sustainism Lab en co-author of Sustainism is the New Modernism (with Joost Elffers) and the Sustainist Design Guide (met Diana Krabbendam). Originally trained as a sociologist of technology (Ph.D., University of London).

Alastair Fuad-Luke (Finland)
Alastair Fuad-Luke is professor on Emerging Design Practices at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture (Aalto University) and author of Design Activism: Beautiful Strangeness for a Sustainable World (2009).
Fuad-Luke contributes to the international debate about how design can help with our journey towards more sustainable ways of living, playing, working, producing and consuming.

Reactions by:
• Indira van ’t Klooster (Reactivate!, A10 new European architecture, Architectuur Lokaal)
• Chris Roorda (Dutch Research Institute For Transitions (Drift))
• Wouter Valkenier (initiator of Hanneke's Boom and Ceuvel Volharding)
• Saskia Beer (Glamourmanifest)

12:00 - 13:00 | World café |
Introduction by Jörgen van der Sloot (FreedomLab)
Afternoon Programme (English/Dutch):
14:00 - 17:00 | Design workshops | Kleine zaal, Expo en Studio
Working on collective perspectives on a circular Amsterdam.
For participating in the design workshops, it's necessary to attend the keynotes in the morning programme. Please note: there are limited spots available for each workshop.
• Water (by John Thackara and Waternet)
• Local co-design (Alastair Fuad-Luke, CITIES and Metabolic)
• De burger als maker van de stad (Michiel Schwarz, Diana Krabbendam (the Beach) and Instituut voor Maatschappelijke Innovatie (IMI))
17.00 – 17.30 Conclusion
Facilitator for the day: Eva Gladek (Executive Director at Metabolic).
17.30 – 19.00 Drinks

Entrance fee: €10,- (pay at the door in cash or PIN).

This event is supported by Stimuleringsfonds voor de Creatieve Industrie.
De Circulaire Stad is part of the Amsterdam Urban Innovation Week 2013
What does it take to Redefine Growth on a scale that really matters? During the Amsterdam Urban Innovation Week 2013, we will try to answer this question. Together with more than 100 partners and initiatives in Amsterdam, we are challenging the different visions, beliefs, local experiences and concrete practices in the city to find new perspectives, models and ways to handle everyday life. The week is initiated by Pakhuis de Zwijger, PICNIC, Waag Society, Amsterdam Creative Industries Centre of Expertise, Amsterdam Smart City, Gemeente Amsterdam and the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, supported by Stimuleringsfonds voor de Creatieve Industrie.